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Confessions of an ACV-aholic

Slowly opening the bottle I slide a glass toward me and pour ever so carefully a small but impacting amount of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). The smell has already reaches my nose and I am mentally preparing myself for whats next.

The MOMENT I choose to drink ACV I have enlisted the help of the most powerfully effective fighter there is. Yes! I have called for help and my infection fighting, tactical warrior, Ninja Master ACV has come to save the day again. But as with any super hero/Ninja fighter/Warrior it’s kind of messy. When a Super Hero arrives on the scene there is sure to be some broken buildings or cars – Casualties per se. The moment when the ACV is moving to the back of your mouth, down your throat and into your stomach is no different. Imagine this, Your Ninja ACV slides down without warning to the ugly infection attacking you. Ninja ACV immediately goes into action. A few mutual round house kicks are thrown right there in your throat and you’re confident death must be near. Finally your Ninja ACV delivers the final KNOCK OUT BLOW. At first you hated the Ninja it’s oh so painful and then when the intial pain is gone and you are feeling better you are so thankful you took the plunge to call on your Infection fighter. ย It’s not fun to say the least andย THIS ACV-aholic cringes at the thought of drinking it undiluted.

Yes! Yes! I know how can I say all this and endorse it so often. Well maybe I should start by telling you why I drank it. See I woke up not feeling well one day. I do all my Holistic Living tricks…to no avail. My breaking point was after 3 days when it felt like I was swallowing Ninja Stars (NO I’M NOT BEING DRAMATIC) ๐Ÿ˜‰ ย I knew on day 1 what I should do but….did you read paragraph 2? Seriously, I was wimping out. Finally I did it and within hours I was 50% better. By day 2 of drinking straight ACV the pain in my throat and ears was barely noticable. I’m still (day 4) drinking it for continued healing but oh the pain I could have saved myself.

What is my point? I proudly proclaim to be an ACV-aholic but I never said I loved the taste or smell ๐Ÿ™‚ Just wanted all our friends to be confident that – It’s not just you.

Happy Holistic Living – Let the Ninja do it’s work.

~ Bekah


Ear Infection’s

Our family had a blast last weekend as we were able to join our Church family in the local Christmas Parade. It was the first time we’ve ever been in a parade and because of my lack of loving the cold our children have never even been to a parade. So I did all I could to prepare them all for the freezing cold weather. Layer upon layer of clothing, hats, gloves….the list goes on. Now when it’s all said and done I have a child with a cough (See “Breathing Treatments” for recipe) and one with an ear infection. This post will show you how to tell if your child’s has an ear infection and excitingly enough it will also heal it at the same time. Here goes ๐Ÿ™‚

WARNING: Contact your medical provider and ask if this safe for your child before trying this recipe if there is a ruptured drum or previous ear problems. If you are unsure…please do NOT attempt this!!!

Supplies to gather –
1)Hydrogen Peroxide
2) paper towl (toilet paper…whatever you have)
3) Qtips
4) Small medicine cup for measuring medicine to children.
5) a treat for your child when it’s all over….trust me on this

Now that you have your supplies all gathered here are step by step directions.

Step 1) pour about 2 tsp hydrogen peroxide in the medicine cup fill the remainder with water. ย (This usually allows me to treat all 5 kids and myself)

Step 2) pour hp (hydrogen peroxide) from the medicine cup into your child’s ear. You will fill the ear canal until hp is in the outer portion of the ear (see picture)

Step 3) place your finger behind ear (see picture) and press gently. Rubbing behind the ear will help the hp get down in the ear canal and treat even the deepest of infections.

NOTE: your child will complain. It is cold and uncomfortable…not painful. Your child will hear bubbles in their ear ….this is when you will begin to see white bubble coming up. (If your child’s is in pain STOP immediately and get hp out of the ear and see your family practitioner.)

4) Allow the hp to sit in your child’s ear for 1-2 minutes (as long as they’ll allow you….slowly increasing time every treatment)

5) Place paper towel or toilet paper wrapped up in a thick square on your child’s ear. Have them tip their head so they are laying on the paper towel allowing the hp to drain out of the ear canal. (The child may want to tip their head around so as to be sure it all drains out).

6) Gently Clean the outside of the ear after treatment but be careful not to place Q tip in the ear canal as that can be very dangerous.

7) Repeat on the other side ๐Ÿ™‚

8) Repeat entire routine every hour or as often as possible. Continually using this treatment will completely clear up infection.

It is possible to have an infection in one ear and not the other. One of our sons always had bad ear infections after a bad fall to his head. After several months of treatment he almost never has ear infections anymore. This child would be up every night after his accident crying from pain in his ears. TRUST ME THIS WORKS. ๐Ÿ™‚

Final thoughts – I HIGHLY recommend using preventative measures. In our home we put “Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar” in our ears about 1 time a week or even every other week. ACV (Apple cider vinegar) had SO MANY amazing healing properties. Please use organic as the other stuff does Not work. Use “Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother” The mother (floating stuff on bottom is what has all the good stuff).

Let us know if you use this and share your testimony here with others. ๐Ÿ™‚